Personal Training Köln - Ursula Klein - Kost & Körper

50767 · Köln
Tel.: +49 1637767016

Weight reduction - Look forward to the awesome experience

Weight loss

Weight reduction is a broad term that can range from a few to many kilos. Each of these wishes is to be respected and everyone who wants to achieve a narrower silhouette must pay attention to his diet and optimize it permanently. This means understanding how the human body functions, which foods it reacts to and how to best combine foods.

You can look forward to the one or other Aha-experience and also to the fact that enjoyment and joy during eating are also possible during and after a weight reduction. Learn to relax and appreciate food.

It doesn't matter whether you just want general information, an occasional injection of motivation or permanent support, advice and motivation, Kost & Körper offers you - without any membership or long-term commitment - a flexible dietary consultation.

Each of my customers receives an information folder from me which he can fill with information material, medical blood results (if you have any) and all material handed over by me during the duration of the consultation. So you have everything compactly together.

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Your question / your comment / your ideas:
By entering and sending your data, you consent to our receiving, storing and evaluating your data for the purpose of answering your enquiry and any questions you may have. You may object to this at any time (right of withdrawal) See also our privacy policy.

*) These fields need to be filled

Kost & Körper Ursula Klein

50767 Köln

Phone: +49 1637767016
Cell phone: WA +49 1635686213

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