Personal Training Köln - Ursula Klein - Kost & Körper

50767 · Köln
Tel.: +49 1637767016

Kids Fitness - Help your child, get a balance

Children also need fitness and exercise. Many children have too little movement and space. Games that used to be completely normal - jumping ropes, playing catch, balancing, jumping boxes or ball games, etc. - are not allowed. - are often cancelled today due to overcrowded schedules, worried parents or rainy summer months and extreme winter months.

The result is underutilized children, who often carry a certain stress potential. Difficulties with physical balance, weight or stamina also become noticeable over time. The result are children who feel dissatisfied with themselves at a very early age.

Help your child, create balance, offer him the possibility in a child coaching playfully energy to get rid of and self-affirmation through sporting joy to experience.

In addition, general performance and physical fitness will also be increased! Exciting and motivating sports and movement offers make it possible for your child to let off steam and to come with pleasure to a child coaching.

Children are also an enthusiastic clientele in personal training! Simply arrange a trial training session with Kost & Körper Personal Training.

Kost & Körper Ursula Klein

50767 Köln

Phone: +49 1637767016
Cell phone: WA +49 1635686213

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